Category: WordPress

WordPress news, tutorials, help, code snippets, ideas, forums

How to disable automatic updates in WordPress

So, you just updated your site with WordPress 3.7 (or newer), and you noticed that one of the new features is automatic background updates. The feature will updated WordPress core and translations files, but it will also allow you to automatic update themes and plugins. There are also reasons why WordPress auto updates will not work, […]

Sharpen resized images and interlace option in WordPress

Have you ever notice that some resized images in WordPress look blurry, and you would like to dynamically sharpen those images without a bloated plugin. Well, here is how, you can sharpen the resized images in WordPress; and while you are at it you can also activate the interlace option on all image. Interlaced images […]

Image Store 3.3.0 RC1

Image Store 3.3.0 RC1 is ready for download! This version is still in development and we don’t recommend that you use it on a live site, please use a test site instead. This version has many changes and improvement, but primarily it improves multisite integration, adds ajax form processing and includes a new customer area they they can save their […]