Tag: html5

Mediaelements: Add a share button to video elements using jQuery

media elements share button

Here is a quick tutorial in how to add a share button to video elements using jQuery and Mediaelements.js.   HTML5 Video tag First, here is an example as how the video html5 tags should look like. The tag show the minimum attributes required, additional attributes still can be added. Notice the data-url attribute, the attributes […]

HTML5: Set X-UA-Compatible rendering mode validating the document

A  feature added to Internet Explorer 8 (IE8 ), is the ability to change the browser rendering  mode by adding a meta tag <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”edge” /> inside the document header tag. This is a great feature that allows you to display websites properly, but there is one small problem, adding the tag will break the W3C validation of the website. […]