The “ims_default_pricelists” filter is used to modify the default price list when the plugin is activated. View content types ims_pricelist and ims_package; and post meta keys _ims_price, _ims_list_opts and _ims_sizes for more information.
A plugin (or theme) can modify the array with the code:
<?php add_filter( 'ims_default_pricelists', 'filter_function_name' ); ?>
The hook is located in the image-store/admin/install.php file.
// Apply filter function modify_ims_default_price_list( $pricelist ) { // change the price for image sizes 4x6 foreach( $pricelist['sizes'] as $key => $size ){ if( $size[name] == '4x6' ) $pricelist[$key][price] = "5.60"; } return $pricelist; } add_filter('ims_default_pricelist', 'modify_ims_default_price_list');
Note: $pricelist is an multidimensional array.
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