High Load – MySQL Reads/Writes

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    Hi all,

    We have a site which is totally cached with Varnish and similar to have high performance for a high number of concurrent users on a single server. When using the popular widget on a page with quite high load, it’s the only request being a HTTP POST and reading/writing to the database, for every single user.
    Is there any option to move the view database to a memory abstraction layer like memcached or similar, or even a Redis to unload database writes and traffic?


    Xpark Media

    The plugin it is Query heavy, specially if you are tracking pageviews instead of visits. It uses post request to accurate register the views.

    There is a database cache plugin that my help you but your pageviews/visits will not be accurate. You could also use a hook to change the request and the database write. If you already using memecache you will have to change the request method also.


    perfect, thanks a lot. I will check the hooks and maybe write it to memcached/redis, and then import into the DB by CronJob, might be the best idea.

    Visits Tracking is not possible (only page views) as we do have caching in place without cookies, and I assume the visits are based on user identification/cookies.



    But, just another question. There is no method to exchange the update function at all, correct? I just found the filters “pop_set_post_view” to turn counting on/off, and the before_ and after_ functions, but nothing to really change the update function to write to memcached or redis or similar?
    Or did I miss something?

    Xpark Media

    Using ‘pop_set_post_view’ and returning false turns off the function. But before returning false you can run any function that process the views.


    Thanks, I think this will solve my issue so I will write a wrapper with memcached/redis and update the database by WP Cron.

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