I want to have Most Viewed First

HomeSupportPopular WidgetI want to have Most Viewed First


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  • #45519

    Either how do I change the order so that most viewed is first, or how do I make the first tab that appears most viewed. Most commented is always the one there. Your help is much appreciated. I spent at least 6 hours total looking for the correct widget and then configuring widgets that did not work well.

    Xpark Media

    Currently this is not a feature in the widget you will have to modify the plugin. All you have to do is move code up and down.

    Look for the following code

    if( empty( $noviewed )) {
      $output .= '<ul id="pop-widget-viewed-'.$this->number.'">'; 
      $output .= $this->functions->get_most_viewed( $instance ); 
      $output .= '</ul>'; 

    and move it above this line

    //most comments

    That is it.

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