No data for Most Commented and Most Viewed?

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportPopular WidgetNo data for Most Commented and Most Viewed?

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  • #48776

    Hi there —

    I’ve enjoyed this plugin for a long time, and haven’t found anything else at all like it.

    But I just installed on a new site I set up, and the tabs for Most Commented and Most Viewed aren’t displaying any posts or data.

    I’ve deleted and reinstalled the plugin to no avail, and I’ve even tried hunting around in the db schema to see where this info might be stored, but I’m stumped.

    Is there somewhere to reset the setting so that the data for Most Commented and Most Viewed starts displaying again?

    We just switched domains, if that has anything to do with it.

    The site is here:

    Any help is much appreciated, and thanks for your time —


    Xpark Media

    There is no data reset, but this is a good idea.

    The comment data comes from the comments table if there is no comments there is no data. The views data is saved per post in the postmeta table metakey “_popular_views”.

    I think the problem might be on your database, if you used the wordpress xml import, this data will not be imported.



    There are comments on the site (, and there’s data in the _popular_views field for a couple of hundred posts, just not sure why neither are populating into the widget.

    What would the problem be on the database otherwise?

    As I mentioned, we did change domain names recently, would that have had an effect on this?

    Thanks again for all your help —


    Xpark Media

    did you changed the prefix on the database some settings on the options will use the database prefix, really nothing should have changed


    Yes, that’s possible — is there a value stored somewhere where I can tell Popular Widget to look for the new table prefix?

    Xpark Media

    no, you need to do in directly on the database.


    We have 1,120 comments on the blog and they are all in the database. Disqus is also pulling these comments, but we can not see any “most commented” posts on the most commented tab. Recent Posts and Tags works just fine.

    Any advice? Happy to provide a screenshot or any other info you think you might need in order to help resolve.


    PS – Most viewed doesn’t work either 🙁

    Xpark Media


    the plugin currently uses php only to do the view count, if you have a cache plugin this will affect the count.

    Also do you have the plugin to use “Views” or “Visits”. Visits will give you a lower count this is user visites not per page.

    We are planing to add a javascript option for this, the downside of using javascript is that uses more resources from your server.

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