Most viewed displays only recently added

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  • #54704

    As I don’t want to post on a closed topic, I am having the same problem as this post marked ‘resolved’

    What was the fix?

    the popular widget is only displaying the four recently added posts instead of displaying the most popular. Is there likely to be conflict somewhere? The data is in the database for _popular_views. The database uses a custom prefix however. I am almost sure it worked originally, but as there were fewer posts now I am not so sure.

    Popular widget is on this website in the footer:

    Advice on what to look for please. Thanks.

    Xpark Media


    Please update to the latest version, check the time limit on the widget and the number of items displayed.



    I have the same problem at the homepage of my magazine:

    It shows only last three or four posts of the page. E.g.the first one post has very small amount of views. Maybe the smallest.

    I have checked the number of days and number of items but there is no problem in it.

    Adam Novak

    Xpark Media


    Did you recently added the plugin? you need to wait for the plugin to build views.

    If not check your count settings are you using view or visits? the most view looks fine is the issue with your current posts?



    I have added the plugin four months ago. It was OK but at September it came out.
    At custom field I have: _popular_views and Calculate: Visits.

    But the posts are still the same.


    Xpark Media


    could you add the view count to see how many views each post has? also try changing a few setting to see how it behaves; like date, post type, number of items.

    Also it doesn’t looks like you have the latest version of the pluing, recent versions allow ajax count and I don’t see it in your site.

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