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  • in reply to: Need images to show in search results #53222

    Hi sarlw03,

    which function you have manipulated for this?

    I’m searching the right function to do the same…


    BR Andi

    in reply to: ITPC data in Caption #52951

    Hi, sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, ok, when i click on the ITPC-Link i find the data. But there are still missing the tags.

    I’m looking for a possibility to save the tags into a searchable field.

    For example i have pictures of a birthday party, with some guests, a cake, some candles, …

    Each pic will get some tags, for example “birthday party maria, birthday cake, michelle, mike, andrew” and another like “birthday party maria, sarah, mike”

    Now i want to search for all pics, that contains mike and “birthday party maria”. So i need a possibility to store this data from the pics, where it is stored in “keywords=[‘2#025’]” to some searchable fields…

    so i’ve added in /_inc/galleries.php in the functio display in line 490:
    $image = esc_attr( $this->content_url . $this->galpath . “/” . basename( $data[‘file’] ) );
    if ($image != ”) {
    $info = array();
    // Informationen des Bildes auslesen
    $size = getimagesize($image, $info);
    // IPTC auslesen
    $itpc = iptcparse($info[‘APP13’]);
    $keywords= implode(“, “,$itpc[‘2#025’]);


    and changed the former line 529

    <textarea name=”img_excerpt[‘ . $id . ‘]” class=”inputxl” ‘ . $disabled . ‘>’ . esc_html( $attch[‘post_excerpt’] ) . ‘</textarea>’;

    <textarea name=”img_excerpt[‘ . $id . ‘]” class=”inputxl” ‘ . $disabled . ‘>’ . esc_html( $keywords) . ‘</textarea>’;Can you put something like this into the next version?BR Andi

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