This plugin has worked perfectly up until this latest update on October 13th. Now, the images are no longer displaying in neither the gallery page nor the shopping cart, but do display in the slideshow. The code I’m seeing generated on the image gallery page is:
<a data-id="mWOJ" href="http://www.littlelamplight.com/wp-content/plugins/image-store/image.php?i=mWOJrZg" class="url fn item-url ims-touch-0" title="Emily & Richard – 1" rel="bookmark"><img src="http://www.littlelamplight.com/wp-content/plugins/image-store/_img/1x1.trans.gif" alt="1x1.trans Emily & Richard | Engagement" role="img" title="Emily & Richard | Engagement"></a>
<img src="http://www.littlelamplight.com/wp-content/plugins/image-store/_img/1x1.trans.gif" alt="1x1.trans Emily & Richard | Engagement" role="img" title="Emily & Richard | Engagement">
What it looks like is that the link is being generated properly, but the image thumbnail (img src) is not.
Any ideas on how to fix this?