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  • in reply to: PHP Warning #55571

    I get the warning even if my plugin is disabled, I have upgraded to 3.4.2.

    It is whenever a submit button is pressed and the store needs to make an error appear (such as “a name is required” in pricing.php when the “add list” submit button is pressed when the name text field is blank).

    By the looks of things it relates to the use of echo in the error_message function in core.php (line 607) and the setcookie function on lines 563 and 564 in option.php.

    I will try another WordPress installation to see if I get the same php warning.



    in reply to: CD Implementation #55554

    I am getting there now.

    I can now change values in the cart from my extension.

    Of all the hooks, I think before_save_cart is the best to use as in both before_add_to_cart and before_update_cart change the values that I change in my extension, therefore my changes are overwritten.

    At the moment I am working with the quantity value. I change this with the before_save_cart hook, however, I must update the cart to see my changes. A simple refresh of the page does not work, and I cant call update_cart from my extension as I get an infinite loop (as it is called again from the same before_save_cart hook).

    I am going to think about this, but any insight would be greatly appreciated.



    in reply to: CD Implementation #55545


    I am getting quite far in my implementation of the CD plugin, however I am having some issues I think mainly due my understanding.

    I have performed all the administration side that I require so rather than changing the core plugin, I have made an extra tab appear in pricing discounts on CDs, added a meta box for adding a discount and removing discounts.

    I have even added a few things such as the extension will not activate unless the image-store plugin is activated, as well as removing all discounts from the wordpress database upon uninstallation of the core plugin.

    I am having issues with the customer side.

    I have to be able to:

      If the customer tries to add more than one of the same CD image, let them know with an error and reduce the quantity to 1. (This makes sense as only one of the same image will be on a CD)
      Add the discounts and manipulate the total price accordingly

    The basic problem I am having is changing the values of the cart from my extension plugin.

    There are plenty of do_action() hooks to use, and there are some in the right place. The problem I am having is changing the values of the cart, such as quantity of the CD images, the total value of the cart etc. from my extension plugin.

    Can you help?



    in reply to: CD Implementation #55542

    Thank you very much.

    This has really helped me get started.


    in reply to: Image size in checkout #55451


    Thank you, and also thanks for the credit, much appreciated.

    I will test it to see if there are any issues I can find, and reply if there is.


    in reply to: Thumbnails #53128

    I have mainly sorted it out.

    You can change the thumbnail settings in wordpress that you have linked to in the code, therefore changing the size of the thumbnail.

    If you set either the height OR width to 0 the output thumbnail will be a ratio of the value of height or width that you have set as the default value.

    I have a fixed height, 150 pixels and have unselected cropping (this is mainly what my client didnt like) and it mainly works.

    However now the landscape thumbnails (which now have a height less than 150 pixels) make the button appear just below it. Therefore the select buttons are not in the same horizontal location when you have portrait and landscape thumbnails side by side.

    This is the only thing I have to fix now. I know I have to add a class in css with properties height 150px for ALL thumbnails so that the button is pushed down, but I am having troubles in putting it in the right location so it doesnt screw up the whole layout of the page.

    I will let you know how I get on, but do you have any ideas where I can put this (if the above made sense)



    in reply to: Sales not filtering #53035

    BTW this is only when you press the filter button, it just resets back to the 1st sales page.

    Even better would be a query in admin.php (similar to what you do for the orders) whereby you could filter by the payment status as well as the order status.

    I am not very good at these queries, could you supply me with the one that would do this in the switch case statment in the count_links function in admin.php.

    I need to be able to filter the sales ASAP and I need this up and running urgently.

    in reply to: SagePay Payment Method #52665


    While refining the sagePay method, I have come across a small issue.

    Is it on purpose that you can not update the order_status using the update_post_meta?

    I have it set up so that when the user has typed their details in the usual validation takes place, but I want to be able to cancel the order (and eventually ammend).

    I can update the payment status fine, but when I update the order_status to cancelled, (and when I print_r the data) it seems to update fine but under sales the order_status is still pending for that order.

    I hope this makes sense.


    in reply to: SagePay Payment Method #52654

    I thought I would update you on my progress.

    I have successfully integrated sagepay and am running through the testing of the system.

    It successfully gives the details to the simulation servers and handles redirects from the simulation server to the receipt page or a custom error page.

    Sales pages are updated as expected.

    There is an added section in settings for activating sagePay.

    It works for the form version of sagePay simulation. A real account can take up to six weeks to activate, but will update to see if it successfully works with this.

    By the way I was having an issue with sending Emails, I found this was because they were being blocked from reaching the inbox by google and hotmail. I found that if you use a plugin that changes the wpmail and sends it via smtp this problem is overcome. WP-Mail-SMTP

    Also, when the customer is looking at larger versions of the photos, where the background fades dark, I found that the user could right click and download the image (which I didnt want). This was overcome using a right click disable plugin No Right Click Images Plugin

    I have had to change a small bit of your code obviously adding to settings and adding custom pages.

    Any larger bits of code that I needed I copied into a new function to ensure other payment gateways were not affected.

    I can send you the code, but this plugin has generally all the hooks and actions that you need in the right place.

    I have been only using wordpress for two weeks and have got this far. I only had a limited knowledge of php before.

    Thank you for your help.



    in reply to: SagePay Payment Method #52634


    I have rewritten / added a few things in Image Store to get sagePay working as unfortunately the custom protocols you can put in require encryption before being sent to the sagePay server. Therefore I have added a few pages (with an extra form for verification) before sending the form to sagepay.

    The issue I have is the success and failure URLs.

    These must be sent to sagePay as part of the transaction, and are therefore unfortunately static.

    I need to redirect to the receipt page (possibly ideally with the checkout() function in cart – like the others use) in success or the store in failure like you do with the other payment methods.

    Could you help me get this last section done?

    I can send you what I have done to get this far.

    I have done this using 3.2.5.





    in reply to: SagePay Payment Method #52610


    Im using 3.2.4.

    I am trying to get it setup. it supports post, so I put in the test URL and it says to start that VPSProtocol contains nil data, it needs 2.23.

    In the custom data field, how would I put this in, would it be:

    VPSProtocol, 2.23.

    (with the , and .)

    or are they in “” (inverted commas)? Any help would be appreciated!


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