Usage of customer

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  • #45514

    Hi, first of all sorry for my english. I’ve installed the latest version of this incredible plug-in on my website and I think it’s powerful and useful. I’ve some questions about “Customers”. In “customers” I’ve create a test user, but when I go in settings -> user permissions, i can’t see him. Where I wrong?
    Because I’d like to create a website to give photographers the possibility to sell their photos at their prices I want to learn the plug-in usage as well as possible..
    May anyone help me to undertand? Thanx!!

    Xpark Media

    Under permission you will see al user and all roles except “customers”, mainly because you might not want your customers to edit or mange or download all of your images.

    If you want to give permissions to photographers you can create a role “photographers” and they will show up on the permissions page.

    If not just create a user and assign it any other role than “customer”

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