Reply To: Paypal Sandbox testing is not registering sales in Image Store

HomeSupportImage StorePaypal Sandbox testing is not registering sales in Image StoreReply To: Paypal Sandbox testing is not registering sales in Image Store


Hi Hax,

Thank you for your response on Paypal IPN, can you direct me to where I should go to access the developer tools ? Also if I will need an IPN url.. is that the url for paypal-ipn.php ?

2. Please ignore my question on the image sizes…  my mistake on working out the sizes.

3. I think the last issue I have is that the Download links and text are multiplies in the receipt email ( when I use paypal live).  They are multiplied it seems by how many  sizes are in the price list.

Is there something in the code of paypal-ipn.php around lines 147 – 166 that should be adjusted to only display the download link per item once ?

Thank you so much!! once resolved I can go live tonight!!