Is it possible to sort Albums by Gallery name

HomeSupportImage StoreIs it possible to sort Albums by Gallery name

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    When I go to the Album page, I can see all my galleries.  But they are sorted based on the order they were loaded, newest to the top.  This is not what I want.  I managed to create a manual page and used the following shortcode

    [image-store album=16 order=asc count=false]

    This sorted them the right way, but it is still the order they are loaded, not based on the name of the gallery.   I tried adding “orderby=title” but that didn’t work – seems this is only available for galleries. 

    Is there any way to control the sort behaviour of galleries in albums?

    Xpark Media


    The sort order currently only works on galleries not albums the only way to currently control the sort order is to create your own gallery template and using a custom loop. There is an example template within the image store plugin image-stroe/theme/taxonomy-ims_almbum.php

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