Images Not Displaying in Gallery or in WordPress Admin

HomeSupportImage StoreImages Not Displaying in Gallery or in WordPress Admin

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    I just installed version 3.2.0 on the website ( and created a gallery (user id test password test) and the images are not displaying in the gallery section (bottom left) as thumbnails (“published” has 3 images, but I can’t see them).  When I login to the gallery to purchase the images, the images are not there either.  Please advise what I am doing wrong?




    i have the same problem…images are uploaded, but don’t appear, and image-store/admin/_key/ is writeable, but remains empty.



    in my error.log:

    2013-01-09 13:36:08: (mod_fastcgi.c.2711) FastCGI-stderr: PHP Fatal error:  Call to undefined function imagecreatefromjpeg() in /surplus/temData/webpages/ on line 149




    I am having the same problem.

    I am using v3.2.0

    there is no _key folder in admin.

    Xpark Media

    @katchocolate, make sure your galleries are not password protected, can you see the gallerie when you click on “view”, try using another theme sometimes this is an issue with themes also check and be sure that there are not javascript errors.

    @airdrummer looks like you are running an old version of php or at least of the GD module, you will need to contact your host provider

    @ julzdyer  the _key folder was removed many version ago, can you check if you have javascript error, or provide the error on your server


    Hi could I just say that I think this is a great plugin (if I can get it working) – I’m having the same problem and was wondering if you know if it works in the Elegant Photography Theme by Vandelay Design, or if you could tell me a couple of themes you know the plugin works with.

    Afraid I’m not technical enough to tell if there are any ‘javascript errors’




    Hi Hax,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    Just to clarify my issue, thumbnails are not showing up when viewing galleries.

    Do you think my page is making the wrong doctype declaration?

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”&gt;

    <html xmlns=””&gt;

    I can see the exact problem when I view source.

    There is some kind of function in imagestore.js that is rewriting the img href (I assume to protect it from right click).  I wish I could disable this function.

    Theoretically if I wrote some javascript to go through and remove the last letter of each href URL and replace it with mqpQ, it would work.

    Slideshow image URL working:


    Thumbnail URL not working:

    Unfortunately I am not good at javascript yet!

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Xpark Media


    We will need the php error on your server. Looks like there is a problem with the image php file on your server.

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