Reply To: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up

HomeSupportImage StoreThumbnails for gallery not showing upReply To: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up


Hi, this is a cool plugin, and i really do apprecciate you guys releasing it for free!

I have a problem, i run the 3.2.1 on a clean, fresh 3.5.1 WP.

NO plugins installed!

It looks like I have a ” / “ problem.

If i create a new Gallery and call the Image Store Page, it shows the Gallery Picture, but if i click on the Gallerypicture, the images INSIDE the Gallery are not shown.

On my server, i see that the plugin creates inside “wp-content”  just a folder like: ” imsgalleriesgallery-28 ”  and not the ” _imsgalleries/gallery-28 ” as it used to be.

Please help me on this one!

See what it looks like at


