Really struggling

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreReally struggling

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  • #54756


    Please help, i’m really struggling with this plugin, this is exactly what I want, I have created a price list, created galleries, purchased several orders but when I login with test accounts I cannot find the purchased images or a link to them anywhere just goes straight back to the original gallery.

    1) where does the customer go once the images are purchased (would it not be simple to have the customer directed straight after purchase to their images)?

    2)Are there further links missing which I need to add?

    3)No emails are received by the customer with information on how to view the images

    Please help I have customers waiting to get there images.

    Xpark Media

    1) They are redirected to a receipt page, if they are downloadable images they have the option to download the files or create an account if they want.

    2) No, if you are using the gallery links, if you are using the sortcode you can add any links that you want.

    3) make user that you set up the email information under settings > checkout, and ask your customer to check their spam folder.

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