Tag: htaccess

HTML5: Set X-UA-Compatible rendering mode validating the document

A  feature added to Internet Explorer 8 (IE8 ), is the ability to change the browser rendering  mode by adding a meta tag <meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”edge” /> inside the document header tag. This is a great feature that allows you to display websites properly, but there is one small problem, adding the tag will break the W3C validation of the website. […]

WordPress Security tips: Avoid getting your site hacked

Here is a check list for your next WordPress installation to improve the changes of the site begin hacked. Change your database prefix “wp_” Don’t use the username “admin” Use a strong password 8+ characters symbols letters and numbers Change the wp_settings.php file permissions to 0644 Whenever possible move the wp_settings.php file one directory up. Install the Login LockDown […]