- WordPress 4.7.0 support
- Fixed: php notices
- Added: symlink support
- WordPress 4.5.0 support
- Minimum required WordPress 3.9
- Fix coupons issues
- WordPress 3.8 minimum required
- WordPress 4.4.0 support
- License year changed
- Improved: pricing admin page.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- WordPress 4.3 support.
- Added: Gallery short code preview.
- Added: support.
- Fixed: Receipt redirect.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: image edit script.
- Improved: image script performance.
- Added: Check out option on image size selection.
- Fixed: Sales report shipping address issue.
- Fixed: Some sales reports not saving.
- Added: Check out option on image size selection.
- Added: Support for Xclusive Pro theme.
- Fixed: Expiration date issue.
- Fixed: lightbox issues.
- Fixed: Expiration date issue.
- Fixed: Mobile styles.
- Changed: WP 3.1 minimum required.
- Improved: Update process.
- Added: WP 3.4 support.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Customer-edit form issues.
- Fixed: Security issues.
- Fixed: Image selection bug.
- Code cleanup.
- Added: Additional js hooks.
- Added: Additional php hooks.
- Added: Setting to display download links with email checkout.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Customer gallery and image pages.
- Code cleanup.
- Fixed: empty receipt page.
- Added: Additional WP 3.9 support.
- Added: Additional hooks.
- Fixed: Lightbox second image display issue.
- Fixed: Customer images page issue.
- Added: Initial WP 3.9 support.
- Added: Simple slideshow shortcode.
- Fixed: Slider display issue on mobile.
- Fixed: some hooks.
- Fixed: SagePay issue.
- Fixed: 404 error on image feeds.
- Fixed: password protected issue.
- Improved: Security.
- Fixed: Firefox js error.
- Fixed: Notification issue.
- Optimize image previews.
- Fixed: Blank new galleries.
- Fixed: SSL resource links.
- Improved: Security.
- Improved: Admin UI.
- Improved: Performance.
- Improved: Image display script.
- Added: Front-end HTML5 forms.
- Added: SagePay gateway.
- Added: WordPress 3.8 support.
- Added: Support for premium theme.
- Fixed: Minor bugs.
- Fixed: Expire database column removed.
- Fixed: Shortcode sort issue on widgets.
* Improved: Performance.
* Fixed: small display issues.
* Fixed: Email Checkout issue user area.
* Fixed: Comments showing in wrong place. -
- Fixed: Email Checkout issue.
- Changed: HTML clean up.
- Changed: allow gallery user to vote.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Translation issues.
- Fixed: Shortcode sort issue.
- Fixed: Image transparency setting.
- Added: Image title to cart images.
- Added: Option to remove login form.
- Added: HTML support for cart messages.
- Fixed: Additional instructions not saving.
- Security Update
- Added:Image interlace.
- Added: Ajax driven forms.
- Added: WP 3.6. full support.
- Added: Customer purchase area.
- Added: Add to cart button in lightbox.
- Added:Twenty Thirteen theme support.
- Changed: Album and Image templates.
- Fixed: Color preview.
- Fixed: Tools Widget.
- Fixed: Multisite sync update issue.
- Fixed: User auto populate email checkout.
- Security update
- Fixed: MySQL query error.
- Fixed: Folder permission issues on some servers.
- Fixed: MySQL query error.
- Fixed: User permission display.
- Fixed: Filter issue with sales reports.
- Fixed: Missing button on shopping cart shortcode.
- Fixed: Shortcode taxonomy issue.
- Added: Watermark tile option.
- Added: Additional support for WP 3.6.
- Fixed: PHP error on php 5.3.
- Fixed: jQuery issue with some themes.
- Fixed: email notification issues.
- Fixed: TinyMCE issue on IE.
- Fixed: cart error
- Fixed: admin ajax columns.
- Fixed: saving some settings.
- Fixed: expired galleries not showing on admin area.
- Improved: custom mysql queries.
- Improved: Fixed gallery menu.
- Added: Initial support for WP 3.6
- Fixed: Email checkout issues.
- Fixed: Price list display issues.
- Fixed: Bug on password-protected images.
- Fixed: GoogleCheckout image download.
- Added: Ligthbox keyboard navigation.
- Added: Pagseguro payment gateway (beta).
- Fixed: Email Checkout issues.
- Fixed: Price list display issues.
- Fixed: Digital downloads and shipping issue.
- Fixed: Navigation display issue.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Checkout issues.
- Fixed: Lightbox showing wrong image.
- Fixed: Deactivate voting issue.
- Fixed: Shipping issue.
- Fixed: Add price list issue.
- Fixed: Add image ajax issue.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: foder path issue
- Fixed: Permalink issue
- Fixed: Visits counter
- Fixed: A few php notices.
- Fixed: Sort issue.
- Added: Floating tools menu
- Fixed: A few php notices.
- Fixed: Issues with JetPack plugin.
- Fixed: Missing finish information on sale details.
- Fixed: Watermark breaks image display on some servers
- Fixed: Metabox location breaks image upload.
- Changed: Lightbox, colorbox is no longer supported.
- Changed: Removed message subpath.
- Changed: Improved customer experience.
- Improved: More mobile friendly.
- Added: Column display option.
- Added: Multi-language plugins support.
- Added: Groups (albums,tags) settings.
- Added: Voting feature.
- Fixed: Image URL encoding issue
- Fixed: Slash issue on setting.
- Fixed: Translation issue on checkout
- Fixed: Email checkout data issues.
- Fixed: Email checkout data issues.
- Fixed: Add to favorites issue.
- Fixed: Image download issue.
- Fixed: Sales missing information.
- Change: scan folder process to keep original image id.
- Added: multisite upgrade feature.
- Fixed: Blank cart buttons using shortcode
- Fixed: Send email to user using shortcode cart
- Fixed: Select field display under images
- Fixed: A few php notices.
- Fixed: Potencial image display error.
- Added: additional WP 3.5 support.
- Added: Tag shortcode.
- Added: Tag column id.
- Code clean up
- Fixed: taxonomy template.
- Fixed: potencial php errors.
- Fixed: sales customer csv files.
- Fixed: taxonomy template.
- Fixed: backward compatibility for WordPress 3.0.0
- Added: WePay Support.
- Added: Promotion limits.
- Added: additional WP 3.5 support.
- Changed: Taxonomy template.
- Changed: Taxonomy content display.
- Fixed: Slideshow paging.
- Fixed: Some translation issues.
- Fixed: Some price formatting.
- Fixed: Issue uninstalling plugin.
- Fixed: Issue images w/not titles and PayPal.
- Added: WP 3.5 support.
- Added: Disable shipping option.
- Added: Additional plugin hooks.
- Added: Additional template hooks.
- Added: Additional currencies for eNotifications.
- Added: Polish and Vietnamese translations.
- Fixed: IE issues.
- Fixed: Empty gallery error.
- Fixed: Sales reports.
- Fixed: Image Edit.
- Fixed: Cart tax PayPal
- Fixed: Receipt issues.
- Added: WP 3.4.2 support.
- Fixed: PHP notices.
- Fixed: Issues with image download.
- Fixed: Issues with PayPal IPN.
- Fixed: Issues with notifications.
- Fixed: Issues saving image sizes.
- Removed: do_action parameters by reference.
- * Fixed: Customer email.
- * Fixed: Paypal IPN issues.
- * Fixed: Page rewrites.
- * Fixed: Cart page issues.
- * Fixed: Receipt display
- Fixed: image download.
- Fixed: Delete packages.
- Added: Additional hooks
- Fixed: cart issues.
- Fixed: shortcode gallery title.
- Fixed: watermark display issue.
- Fixed: alternative method when allow_url_fopen is off.
- Added: Gallery tags.
- Added: Multiple checkout options.
- Added: Load images by dragging and dropping.
- Added: View and edit image IPTC metadata.
- Added: Image Store tools widget
- Added: Custom color
- Added: Custom shipping
- Added: Zero charge ( free images ) using promotions
- Added: Additional shortcode options
- Added: Cart page
- Added: microformats
- Added: Photo Finishes
- Added: Color filter options
- Added: Tools Widget
- Added: Admin menu
- Added: Slideshow navigation location
- Fixed: Gallery login for WP 3.4.
- Fixed: IE slideshow CSS issues.
- Fixed: Required fields asterisk.
- Fixed: Variable references errors.
- Fixed: Google checkout promotion code.
- Changed: Settings page, trying to fix get_user() error some servers.
- Added: Additional hooks.
- Added: Price list notes.
- Change: Tranlation files load sequence
- Added: Receipt email options.
- Added: Email receipt to email notification only checkout.
- Fixed: Image checkout limit.
- Fixed: Required fields indicator not displaying.
- Code clean up.
- Added: Admin sort columns
- Fixed: Automatically delete files.
- Fixed: Fix short-code issue with albums.
- Fixed: Image Hex to RGB color.
* Fixed: Download links notices.
* Fixed: Issues saving price lists.
* Fixed: Issue processing cart . -
- Code clean up.
- WP 3.4.0 compatible.
- Added: Additional support for multisites.
- Added: Additional security for secure images.
- Added: Remove decimal point option.
- Added: Disable store at gallery level.
- Added: Option to link to image attachment at gallery level.
- Fixed: Download links issues.
- Fixed: Some issues with multisites.
- Fixed: Single gallery template selection.
- Fixed: Issue generating image sizes for small images.
- Added: additional hooks.
- Added: additional shortcode options.
- Fixed: blank price lists.
- Fixed:disable sepia and b&w.
- Fixed: gallery template selection.
- Fixed: colorbox add to cart link on price list.
- Fixed: Exit galleries when permalinks not activated.
- Added: watermark location.
- Added: add to cart in lightbox.
- Changed: shortcode “count”.
- Fixed: add to cart redirect.
- Fixed: price lists issues.
- Fixed: promotion code error.
- Fixed: Multisite option issues.
- Fixed: Download links.
- Added: Additional multisite support.
- Changed: Default settings.
- Changed: Load text domain function.
- Changed: Theme load order.
- Fixed: Important cart fixed.
- Fixed: Gallery pagination.
- Fixed: Widget image display.
- Fixed: Scan folder time out.
- Fixed: Multisite bugs.
- Fixed: Customer role Multisite.
- Fixed: possible fix for “Internal Server Error” bug.
- Fixed: Colorbox.
- Fixed: Logout galleries.
- Fixed: Delete packages issue.
- Fixed: Not being able to save image sizes.
- Added: hooks
- Added: Gallery embed feature.
- Added: Favorite link feature without store.
- Added: Template examples.
- Changed: ImStore class structure.
- Changed: Full integration with wp media upload.
- Fixed: Shortcode display.
- Fixed: Permalink Issues.
- Fixed: Image display issues.
- Fixed: Sale information page.
- Security update.
- Fixed: Mysql Error.
- Fixed: php function errors.
- Fixed: image refresh error.
- Fixed: Add to cart in slideshow.
- Added: Phone and email information to sales log.
- Fixed: RSS sql error.
- Fixed: Shortcode image link.
- Fixed: Sale information missing.
- Security update
- Revised: PayPal IPN.
- Revised: Shopping cart.
- Revised: Image watermark.
- Fixed: No comments issue.
- Fixed: Slideshow unable to save to cart
- Fixed: Not being able to delete price list.
- Fixed: Canonical redirect for custom permalinks.
- Fixed: Customer information not showing under the WP user menu.
- Added: Twenty Eleven theme support.
- Added: Multisite support.
- Added: jQuery Colorbox support.
- Added: Dynamic image download.
- Added: Print-friendly report.
- Security update.
- Uploadify update.
- French Translation.
- Added: Album ID column.
- Added: Gallery autosave.
- Added: Gallery excerpt support.
- Added: Twenty Eleven theme support.
- Added: User information auto fill for Email notification .
- Fixed: Edit image capability issue.
- Fixed: No report issue and messages.
- Fixed: front-end errors for some servers.
- WP 3.2 support.
- Security update.
- German Translation.
- Fixed: Image path.
- Fixed: Broken album feed links.
- Fixed: Gallery shortcode issue.
- Fixed: Domain translation issues.
- Added: Link to gallery to widget images.
- Added: Allow user to download original image option.
- Improve image display speed.
- Important Security update.
- Changed: Moved select checkbox and label.
- Added: More currencies.
- Fixed: Searching issue.
- Fixed: Download PNG issue.
- Fixed: %category% in permalink issue.
- Fixed: WP subdirectory installation issue.
- Fixed: Download images in some paypal accounts.
- Added: Display image title.
- Added: Checkout user comment.
- Added: Shopping cart “total” in navigation.
- Added: taxonomy(album) template option.
- Added: Album pagination.
- Added: Gallery pagination.
- Added: WPTouch/Mobile css support.
- Changed: moved select checkbox, added label.
- Fixed: Date picker styles.
- Fixed: Permission settings.
- Fixed: Save settings issues.
- Fixed: Checkout email information.
- Added: Portuguese translation.
- Added: Search image title and caption option.
- Improved: dynamic image sorting.
- Improved: html5 validation.
- Fixed: Trash image link broken.
- Fixed: Save imported image caption.
- Fixed: Improve image download quality.
- Fixed: Shortcode image display location.
- Fixed: Google checkout redirection to search page.
- Added: Preview image quality option.
- Fixed: Screen options labels.
- Fixed: Add to cart redirection.
- Fixed: Required checkout fields.
- Fixed: Dynamic image update/upload.
- Fixed: Email notification email and sale report.
- Fixed: Page navigation issue with hidden photo link.
- Added: Image page navigation.
- Added: Make galleries searchable.
- Added: Import metadata from image.
- Fixed: Shortcode issues.
- Added: Italian Translation.
- Fixed: Capability Issues with 3.1
- Fixed: Sales CSV download not working.
- Added: Single gallery template option.
- Changed: Removed “Protected” from gallery title.
- Changed: Image title and caption display (front-end).
- Important update: update cart error.
- Fixed: Download image error.
- Fixed: Wrong metadata information backend.
- Fixed: Not been able to change preview image size.
- Fixed: gallery feed 404.
- Added: Extra image security.
- Fixed: Price list sort missing.
- Fixed: Auto password generation on all post.
- Fixed: Translation redirect problem.
- Fixed: Translation permalink problem.
- Fixed: Mini thumbnail not been generated after image edition.
- Changed: Custom post type (ims_gallery) capabilities.
- Code Cleanup
- Improved performance.
- Added: Google Checkout.
- Added: Gallery Comments.
- Added: Gallery name to sales reports.
- Added: Option to remove color options.
- Added: Option to remove “photos” or “slideshow” link.
- Added: Integration with custom post types and taxonomy.
- Changed: Gallery logout.
- Changed: Gallery preview.
- Changed: Gallery management.
- Changed: Permalink structure.
- Changed: Paypal IPN Listener url.
- Changed: Add/edit gallery interface.
- Changed: preset all class/styles with “ims_” in the front-end.
- Fixed: Paypal issues.
- Fixed: Promotional discount not been sent to paypal.
- Front-end: CSS modifications.
- Fixed: Typos.
- Fixed: Flash upload not working.
- Changed: Gallery status display.
- Fixed: shopping cart showing wrong color selection.
- Fixed: new installation and capabilities problem.
- Fixed: settings reset after plugin update.
- Unstable
- Unstable
- Fixed: Sales CSV download permissions.
- Fixed: Total price format when using email notification only.
- Fixed: Serialize data showing on the image-size-dropdown menu when adding images to car.
- Admin: CSS modifications.
- Added: Image title on sale reports.
- Front-end: CSS modifications.
- Updates: Spanish translation.
- Admin: CSS modifications.
- Admin: HTML clean up.
- Added: Option not to expire galleries.
- Added: Feature to use gallery on the home page.
- Added: Feature use color box on WordPress galleries.
- Added: Image size units (in. cm. px.)
- Added: Settings for the required fields on the checkout page.
- Added: Feature recreate images after image settings have been changed.
- Fixed: Image cache after browser’s cache is cleared.
- Changed: create new galleries with pending status instead of publish.
- Fixed: Paypal IPN issues.
- Fixed: Disable image rss.
- Fixed: Incorrect paypal cart currency type.
- Fixed: “mini” image size showing instead of preview.
- Added: Orders by email notification only(disable paypal).
- Fixed: Translation issues.
- Improved dynamic image cache.
- Fixed: misspells.
- Fixed: save gallery settings.
- Fixed: double slash on permalinks.
- Removed “add to favorites” link from unsecured galleries.
- Added: Spanish translation
- Fixed: WP thumbnail preview conflict.
- Fixed: file not being deleted from server when image was deleted.
- Added: drag and drop image sort (admin).
- Security fix: image url.
- Fixed: Image edit didn’t create new image when thumb only was selected.
- Fixed: php error on dynamic css file for IE colorbox support.
- Fixed: Flash image upload
- Fixed: Preview size settings not saving when updated.
- Fixed: Add new menu “Save into” not displaying galleries for selection.
- Added: widget.
- Added: image RSS.
- Added: gallery shortcode.
- Fixed: permalink conflict.
- Fixed: js error with new slideshow options.
- Fixed: admin displaying wrong expiration date.
- Removed: columns setting,not needed controlled by css.
- CSS compression.
- CSS modifications.
- Added: Slideshow options
- Added: colorbox gallery feature.
- Fixed: js errors on IE.
- Fixed: watermark text location.
- Fixed: expire gallery query/cron
- Fixed: CSS AlphaImageLoader image url for(color box)IE.
- Text change: Inside USA to Local.
- Relocated colorbox styles and images.
- HTML clean up
- CSS modifications.
- Add image cache (htaccess).
- Fixed: permalinks admin/frontend.
- Fixed: images displaying on the front-end with trash status.
- Remove: login link from unsecured galleries.
- Increase RAM memory for swfupload to process big images.
- Beta Version