Image Store: Shortcode

For more information on shortcodes, please visit the documentation page on WordPress.

Single gallery shortcode v2.0+

[[ims-gallery id=0 layout=1 caption=1 orderby=date number=5 linkto=attachment]]
  1. $id: (Required)
    • gallery id (use  imstore ID not database).
  2. $layout: (optional)
    • (false)display just images no lighbox
    • (lightbox) display images with lighbox
    • (slideshow) display gallery as slideshow
  3. $caption: (optional)
    • (1) show caption
    • (0) do not display caption
  4. $orderby: (optional)
    • (0) use gallery default option set on setting or gallery sort. (default)
    • (date) sort by image upload date.
    • (title) sort by image title.
    • (custom) sort by custom order.
    • (caption) sort by caption.
  5. $order: (optional)
    • (0) use gallery default option set on setting or gallery sort. (default)
    • (ASC) ascending order
    • (DESC) descending order
  6. $number: (optional)
    • (false) show all the images on gallery
    • (any number) how many images to show.
  7. $linkto: (optional)
    • (false) link to image file.
    • (attachment) link to image page (attachment).

Dynamic shortcode v2.0+

[[image-store list=23]]
  1. Default: [[image-store]]
    • Display all un-protected galleries
  2. $secure: (optional)
    • (1) Display login form for secure galleries. It can’t be used with any other value.
  3. $album: (optional)
    • (integer)  album/term id. Display galleries assigned to this term (album).
  4. $tag: (optional)
    • (integer)  tag/term id. Display galleries assigned to this term (tag).
  5. $count: (optional) to be used with $album.
    • (false) display all galleries.
    • (any number)  limit the number of galleries displayed.
  6. $list: (optional) display price list.
    • (integer) price list id. It can’t be used with any other value.
  7. $favorites: (optional) display user favorites.
    • (bool) true. It can’t be used with any other value.
  8. $cart: (optional) cart page.
    • (bool) true. It can’t be used with any other value.
  9. $all: (optional) display secure and none-secure galleries.
    • (bool) true. It can’t be used with any other value.