Reply To: Cannot download image

HomeSupportImage StoreCannot download imageReply To: Cannot download image


Thanks for your advise. As you wrote, the price list date have been corrupted.
However, I still have problems after creating new price list.

1. “Download check” is cleared after the first time I check it. ( If I check it again, it keeps checked)

2. If I set large size more than 500x500px in the price list, download file becomes 0 px, and image cannot be downloaded. Is this problem caused by
php.ini setting or GD?

3. In certain condition, file extention ‘jpg’ is still dropped. First time I tried
to download, it was ok, but now the file name doesn’t have the extension.
I try to find the “certain condition” but I don’t find it yet.

4. If I open gallery page with ie8 “add to cart” link doesn’t work. Besides,
the link is added every time I open the page.
first time:
Add to cart

2nd time
Add to cart
Add to cart

5.In the receipt mail lines are repeated

