Reply To: Can’t upload images within Gallerie Image Stor

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreCan’t upload images within Galleries Image StoreReply To: Can’t upload images within Gallerie Image Stor



Indeed it is all a bit strange : (
For a new test i created via ftp a gallerie folder named test with the 777 permissions, also uploaded the images within this folder with the same rights before creating a gallerie item within the image store.

When i scan the folder within image store it finds the images and automatic it creates the resize images within the folder. I can now also modify the images and save them but still i cant see the thumbnail images within the image store or gallerie page. But now they are there within the folder…

I must say that i don’t quite understand what is going wrong regarding the permissions settings? Maybe you have a clue? Or should i contact my provider regarding the rights on this folder? Maybe they can force these settings within this specific image store folder?

Hope you have a hint for me : )