Reply To: Paypal(live/sandbox) not registering orders.

HomeSupportImage StorePaypal(live/sandbox) not registering orders.Reply To: Paypal(live/sandbox) not registering orders.


It worked and i am able to see the orders when i pay with paypal now(i am using a webhost).
Is there any way to make it work locally ?

Also, is there anyway that we can translate to another language?
I am afraid to edit variables in the php files in case i break the whole plugin.

Lastly, how can i make an image downloadable?
After the purchase it just returns me to a page telling me my transaction number, but the download isn’t there.
I have made the image downloadable via the galleries > pricing > pricelists > (check box to make size downloadable) menu.

Thanks for your help, hope to hear from you soon,
Happy holidays and a happy new year.
