Change name of 'Checkout' button in shopping cart?

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreChange name of 'Checkout' button in shopping cart?

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    Is it possible to change the name of the ‘checkout’ button in the shopping cart?

    I would like to have it say ‘Bank Deposit’, so there is a clear distinction between people using PayPal and Bank deposit.

    Thanks again.

    Xpark Media


    You can’t do it using the settings, but you can add this code to your theme’s functions.php file or in a new plugin.

    function change_ims_checkout_label( $gateways ){
    if( isset( $gateways['enotification']['name'] ) && $gateways['enotification']['name'] == 'Checkout' )
    $gateways['enotification']['name'] = __( 'Bank Deposit' );
    return $gateways;
    } add_filter( 'ims_gateways', 'change_ims_checkout_label', 20 );

    Thanks heaps…I’ll give this a go.
    Have a big even’t happening over the next few days. Some donation $ coming your way after I make some $ 🙂

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