CSS Modification

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  • #50718

    Hi there!

    First of all, I would like to say thanks for this awesome plugin. It is by far, the most best ‘Most Popular’ plugin I’ve stumbled upon.

    In the effort of making the plugin blend to my template, I would like to ask if there is a way I could make the width of the box more longer? Which is the code I should look out to? So by doing this I could match the length of it with my Facebook widget.

    Is there a way I could insert like ‘6 days ago’ (the days posted) and the bottom right of each post title within the box grid?

    And how do I resize the font?

    Thanks again. Keep up the good work!

    Xpark Media


    I could help you fix some of the style issues with your theme if you provide a link to your trouble page.

    about adding the date ’6 days ago’, no currently is not possible, I will try to add a hook or an option on the next version.

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