Deleted Cart in error

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    I was attempting to place some text at the top of the cart and after it failed, I deleted the cart in error.
    How can I get it back and keep all other settings and galleries?

    Xpark Media


    Sorry not sure what you are trying to do, are you trying to add the text in the front-end or back-end. Are you using hooks or modifying your theme.

    Or did you clicked on the “unstalled image store”?

    if you just deactivated the plugin or deleted the files you can just get a fresh copy of the plugin and you the settings will be there. If you deleted your galleries only a back up from your hosting service will restore your files.


    The page ‘cart’ has been deleted in error from ‘pages’.

    I have re added the page titled ‘cart’ and it appears to be working, although I didn’t add anyother code.

    Am I correct in assuming all that was required was just re adding the page titled ‘cart’?


    Hi Hax,

    I accidentally deleted the page ‘cart’ from pages.

    Do I just recreate the page, does it need any code in there?


    I deleted the page ‘cart’ in error.
    Is it just as simple as recreating the page?
    Do I need to add any code to the page?

    Xpark Media

    you can create any page and then use this code short code[image-store cart=1]


    Perfect. Thank you. btw – is my site if your at all curious to how I have it set.
    Working like a treat.

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