Dont work on pages and repeats most viewed posts

HomeSupportPopular WidgetDont work on pages and repeats most viewed posts

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  • #44245

    Great plugin, i love it 🙂 but i been having two problems with it. The first issue is that he works only on categories, and not pages. On pages the display:none; option do not appear on inactive tabs meaning all ul tags have no style at all?!?! The second problem is that he most viewed post under most viewed tab. I have the same post two times one under another? I would appreciate it if you could help me with this.

    Xpark Media

    can you post a link to your site? the styles usually is because you are missing the wp_footer() function, check your page.php template.


    Hi, here is the link to site:

    Xpark Media

    you have a javascript error on your theme that is not allowing the javascript for the widget to load. Looks like that is in a “sharebar” plugin.

    you see duplication because you are looking at all three tabs at one time


    Yes you are wright, the sharebar js causes problem with your plugin. Thanks for your help 🙂

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