google ads under full screen display

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  • #52716

    I was wondering if you were thinking about having an easy way for someone to put in place google ads under the galleries so as people scrolled thru the ads would refresh and get another hit . hope i explained it right

    after you click on the photo and then click on one in the list you get the full screen display I would like to add ads and maybe some other social pins


    well worth the money 🙂

    Xpark Media

    there is 3 ways to do it.

    1. create a templage for the galleries and add the code “single-ims_gallery.php or content-ims_gallery.php”

    2. use a hook to add the content at the bottom of the gallery:

     function ims_after_page_function(){
    } add_filter('ims_after_page','ims_after_page_function')

    3. enable the editor on the content type and add the code to each gallery

    function ims_gallery_post_type_function( $post_type ){
    $post_type['supports'][] = 'editor';
    return $post_type;
    }add_filter('ims_gallery_post_type', "ims_gallery_post_type_function");
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