Great plugin, but not mature yet? – Several problems

HomeSupportImage StoreGreat plugin, but not mature yet? – Several problems

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  • #46872

    Hi, and thank you! I am working for a whole day to get this work, tested thoroughly on three servers with same versions of a WP and the plugin (latest both)

    Problems and questions (I have double check settings and support conversations):
    – problems with permalink (a need to switch to default and back to custom)
    – albums – empty page is displayed with gallery heading display
    – watermark – by three hosting company features data, I have three identical servers, but on one with watermark set up image is not displayed, only lightbox with loading image animation is – any idea what is missing on that server? (three identical WP and plugin setups)
    – after checkout customer doesnt receive any purchase email, just thank you message on front end
    – order and payment status change does not provoke any message to a customer?
    – every applied order status have a yellow box note “Order moved to trash.”
    – Customer section – does it have to be filled automatically when customer made a purchase?
    – Pricing – if down-loadable is ticked in a Price list and Update this option is saved. But if in a row for Sephia etc value is changed and Update value is not remembered and previously down-loadable is reset.
    – What do you mean with tracking number?

    Maybe there is some bugs remain here. I believe this will be very good plugin, which can be also priced.

    I miss TAX added in a price list for single product and not only at the purchase.
    Customer should have an option to choose how he/she will pay (manually, email notification only or paypal,..)

    Any helpful comment is highly appreciated, please 🙂


    If Default price list is deleted completely drag and drop image sizes will not work again.


    Delete images if gallery is deleted (checked), does not delete images and gallery folder.

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