How to change the titles to H1?

HomeSupportPopular WidgetHow to change the titles to H1?

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  • #53252

    I want to change the display of the article headers to H1. I can’t find the place where to change this. Does anyone know?

    Xpark Media


    You can modify the include.php file, look for the “pop-title” class. We will try to add a filter to the output so it can be modify by other plugins, this will allow you to update the plugin to the latest version.


    There isn’t any include.php file in the plugin directory?

    Xpark Media


    If you upgrade to the latest plugin version you can use the “pop_{$tab}_title” filter to change the title markup.

    Also in the new version the include.php file has been removed and replaced with _inc/functions.php

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