Is lightbox slideshow limited ?

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreIs lightbox slideshow limited ?

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  • #310376

    Hello ,
    I upload images in this 1500×1000 in my galleries. I have well define the maximum size of 1500×1500 in setting=>image=>image preview size.

    So, when I’m on the gallery and I lunch the lightbox slideshow (black background with arrows prev/next), the image do not appeared in 1500×1500 on the screen !
    If i copy it to my computer, I can see the image have the good size (1500×1000).
    But, the image do not show it self at the good size in the lighboxe slideshow ! It appeard smaller 🙁 ….
    So I wonder what does limit the image to appaerd with it real size ?
    Do you know how to do that ?


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