PHP warning on empty gallery

HomeSupportImage StorePHP warning on empty gallery


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  • #49644

    When visiting a gallery with no images*:

    “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in …/wp-content/plugins/image-store/_inc/store.php on line 954”

    * May seem like an edge case but galleries may stay linked/bookmarked by visitors and later have images removed by the site admin.

    1. Visit a gallery
    2. Open new browser tab, go to WP Admin > Gallery > galleryname
    3. Trash all the images
    4. Reload gallery in the first tab; php warning occurs.

    This scenario should be handled gracefully with a simple message like “Sorry, there are no images in this gallery.”

    Xpark Media

    This will be fix on version 3.1.5, this is ready for testing.

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