Plaicng Add to Cart Button under images in gallery

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StorePlaicng Add to Cart Button under images in gallery

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  • #54715

    Hi there

    Firstly just to mention, this plugin is awesome has really helped me with one of my clients.

    The client is looking at replacing the “Select” button with an “Add to cart” button where it would open up the size and colour window before adding it to the cart. Actually it would do the exact same job as the Add to Cart button currently in lightbox when you click on an image.

    Is it possible to do this via the settings in the dashboard, or can you point me in the right direction (javascript file, function, etc) as to implement this?




    The plug-in is great. I am looking to do something similar as well. Actually, I would like to add the “Select” button to the gallery images so that they function like the Lightbox display.

    I am using Weaver II Pro and the “Raw” page template actually shows both a “Select” radio button and an “Add to Cart” link… but no photos or other content.

    Any advice would be appreciated.

    Xpark Media

    @adamrquantum and @Ravenworks,

    There is currently no option for this, you will have to make modification using Image Store hooks. The button is actually there you will need to show it, add add the javascript option take a look at the _js/touch.jquery.js file $(“selctor”).imstouch()

    Other problem is if you removed the select option you remove the ability to add to favorites or to add multiple images at once.

    Another option is to use just the slideshow option.


    im looking for exactly the same thing, the add to cart button under each image instead of the select button,
    i have placed the add to cart button under the images by changing the css and making it inline instead of none and it works perfectly

    the only problem is the options when you press the add to cart button come up under all the images but what’s wierder is if you close it and ress again it coms yup on the top left of the screen and cannot be removed without refreshing the page

    i see about changhing the javascript but cannot find that reference anywhere in the jquery.js file

    the normal add to cart button at the top of the page woorks perfectly, but the one adds to the bottom of the images does not

    if you can help that would be great

    thank you

    Xpark Media


    We may have a solution in Image Store 3.4, you are welcome to test it and let us know if you see any issues.

    This will be come an option and it all will be able to activate it using the plugins API.

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