Shopping Cart Layout & Problems with "add to cart" button

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreShopping Cart Layout & Problems with "add to cart" button

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    Hi! Thanks for developing this really neat plugin.

    I have two problems that I need help with.
    1). I have a similar issue that was addressed in a different query–my checkout cart’s layout is squished. I read that you said it could be a problem with the span tags in my theme layout and to make a child theme to fix it. I know how to make a child theme, but I don’t have any coding experience, so I don’t know what to change or write once I make that new file. Is there a bit of code that I could copy/paste or something specific I should look for to edit? (If it’s too complex to explain, no worries..just let me know if I should seek professional help or try a different theme Lol: )

    2). My next issue is with the “add to cart” button when viewing one image at a time. When hovering over the button, the text disappears. Any suggestions for this issue?

    Thanks so much for your time!


    Just noticed that this post was sent. I just sent in a ticket for the same issue. My cart categories are all squashed together and some are overlapped seems that the columns are not changed by any added text in the product fields all it does is run the text into the next column.

    I tried to change all the settings I could find in my theme with no success not sure if it is the template or just the layout of the shopping cart page within the plugin.

    I am using wordpress website builder and photocrati for my theme. If there is anyone that has a solution for this I would appreciate it.

    I am very new to all this so step by step instructions may be necessary.




    +1 on the layout issue. I’m also using Photocrati.

    Xpark Media

    if there is layout (css) issues they need to be fix using your theme, I provide a general style that should work with most themes. but is hard to predict every single layout.

    if you want to set up your on styles, disable the styles under settings > general and uncheck “Use CSS”.

    Fixes to themes should be applied in a child theme in the style.css file to avoid problems updating the plugin and the theme.


    I am very new building a website is there any more detail you could give on what I need to do and what it is I am looking for to change. I feel 98% there and just ran into a wall with this last detail.

    Or maybe someone else with this issue knows enough and would be willing to lend a hand.

    Thanks for any help you can give…

    Xpark Media

    if you provide a link to your site I might be able to post a few css fixes for you site.

    If you need professional help you can email me to [email protected] and provide a list of issues and I can send you a quote.

    Another option is to change the theme that you are using for the site.


    Here are my links to see the corresponding issues. Ditto to @tfos74. And I don’t know any css, so if you have some fixes for the css causing problems, that would be great! But, if it looks like more than a simple fix, let me know if I need to send you an E-mail with these issues for a quote.

    Much appreciated!


    my website is goto client proofs. test and test are the gallery name and password. Once you add something to the cart and enter the shopping cart page you will see what I am talking about. I have not changed the pricing yet and have just made simple changes to suit the site. at one point the page loaded properly without knowing if there was something I did to fix it. I then loaded the page from 2 other sources and both loaded the shopping cart with the content pushed to the left side of the page almost as if there was a second column that was blocking the content from spreading over.

    No changes were made from the time it worked to the time it once again didn’t.

    If you could take a look at this and let me know what you think I would appreciate it.


    One more issue when the popup box comes up with size options, the add to cart button is cut in half. Not as big an issue to me but just something else i saw not working 100%


    Has anyone taken a look at this? I am waiting to go live with client proofs and have clients waiting to order. I am really excited to use this plugin and spread the word to others in the industry that there is a good solution to selling photos online besides all these sites that take a % of your sales. My last hurdle is getting the layout to work 100%


    Thank you for your help


    Ok so here it is…I have figured out when this problem occurs and not. When you order just 1 print size/item for an image the screen appears squashed. When you order multiple sizes per image it appears properly. This does not appear to be theme based since it fits properly at one point but not another.


    if there is a fix that can be done for this please let me know maybe a patch that adds a blank line when there is only 1 item per image ordered? I am not a programmer but this seems to be a possible solution.


    Thanks for your help (almost there!)


    Xpark Media


    add this code to your style.css file inside your theme folder. this should fix most of your problems.

    div.ims-field.ims-submit {padding: 5px 10px 20px}
    div.ims-field.ims-submit input{ height: 1.65em}
    a.add-single-cb:hover{ color:#fff}
    th.ims-subrows { font-size:10px; text-transform:none}
    div#ims-mainbox table.ims-table tr .ims-size{ width:14%}
    div#ims-mainbox table.ims-table tr .ims-quantity { width:13%}
    Xpark Media


    Looks like you fixed your problem, it looks good now, probably a new theme, right?


    Hax, It looks perfect when you chose 2 items for 1 image but if I only chose 1 item for the image and NOT 2 for any item it is still squashed,

    Screen Shot 2012-08-16 at 9.19.06 AM


    not sure how to insert a screen shot here but if you go back select 1 image and then select 1 image size and go to the cart you will see what i mean

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