Text Watermark Font problem

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreText Watermark Font problem

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  • #46976

    I have narrowed down a problem described in my general topic (http://xparkmedia.com/support/topic/great-plugin-but-not-mature-yet-several-problems/).

    PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagettfbbox() … plugins/image-store/image.php on line 150

    It seems like font included with a plugin is a cause of a problem.
    Image watermark works fine.

    Any thought please how to solve that?
    I prefer a text watermark.

    Thanks, Jurij

    Xpark Media

    It looks like your server doesn’t have all the GD Image functions enable.

    The functions should be supported by all php installations using the GD image library. Also you are using and old version of the plugin try upgrading.


    Thank you! That helps.
    My hosting provider will add this features at the next updates of a server… They do that only twice a month 😐

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