Wrong upload path

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreWrong upload path

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  • #52429
    Van Halen


    we have an problem with Image Store 3.2.1, since the last update the images are not uploaded to the default upload folder ‘_imsgallery’ anymore. Instead each gallery is uploaded to a new directory, like: wp-content/imsgallerygallery-6675/photo.jpg instead of wp-content/_imsgallery/gallery-6675/photo.jpg. The slash is removed between _imsgallery and gallery-id.

    The gallery path in the backend is displayed as: /_imsgallery/gallery-6676

    We disabled all other plugins, removed the htaccess file, disabled and changed the permalink structure with and without a trailing slash. Reseted the Image Store settings to the default settings, created a new default folder via ftp, checked the chmod settings.

    We’re at a loss here. Anyone have any idea how to solve this?

    Van Halen

    The problem is fixed, we’ve removed: sanitize_file_name() not sure if this will cause any new problems, but it works for the time being.

    in /image-store/_inc/galleries.php:

    $this->galpath = “/” . trim( sanitize_file_name( $_REQUEST[‘folderpath’] ), “/” );


    $this->galpath = “/” . trim( $_REQUEST[‘folderpath’] , “/” );

    Xpark Media

    @Van Halen,

    yes, we test it and this is the problem, we applied a fix and will be release on the next version

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