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  • in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49068

    Hi, I had to put the site up that way because of the clients. I can make you an admin but I need to resolve this tonight (due to client pressure) and may have to swap image galleries for now.

    Thanks for your time, it really is a great plug in.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #48991

    Hi. I used your plugin on a site recently, clients very pleased, love using it, it’sa great plugin when it’s working.  But with the upgrade to 3.1.1 the ‘image store’ images no longer show on the site. http://www.jj4photogifts.co.uk/

    I have deactivated and reactivated the plugin, refreshed the permalinks and run the Clear Cache plugin and  I have no idea what to do next.

    If I uninstall then reinstall the plug in will it mean I have to remake all the galleries?


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