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  • in reply to: Favourites not working #52699

    Hi Van Halen

    How bizarre, that worked for me too. Thank you so much. This is a great plugin but very twitchy!

    in reply to: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up #52423

    Hi Martin

    I had the same issue. I managed to fix it but not exactly sure how. There is a setting to point the folder path and url base but this didn’t work, galleries were still saved to wp-content. I think I eventually reset the plugin in settings. This is a bit extreme because all your galleries and price lists are wiped clean.

    I also disabled cache plugin which was conflicting with the gallery navigation on the front end.

    Anybody know if its possible to save the price-lists, I’m guessing they are part of the sql database.

    I know this isn’t much help. It’s such a great plugin and there is nothing out there with the same functionality, but I think there are some issues with the pro photo blog theme. Unfortunately this is probably the most common theme used by pro photographers….

    I have a dark theme and it’s nice to see that the white font now works in version 3.2.1, the green and red colours used in the success and error message boxes don’t have enough contrast to allow the type-face to be visible though.




    in reply to: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up #52350

    permalinks have been refreshed…

    in reply to: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up #52349

    Well the code worked with images not showing up on the gallery (3.2.0) when using colorbox:

    .ims-colorbox img {width: auto; height: auto;}


    Now (version 3.2.1) the images don’t show again on the front end just a big box with a small image link in the centre.

    Any chance you could revise the code to get this to work again….

    in reply to: Submit order not working #52050

    Just an update, I reset the plugin using the settings/reset button and all is well again. Must have messed something up at some point.


    Thanks, Paul.

    in reply to: image padding issue #51631

    That works beautifully thank you.

    in reply to: image padding issue #51525

    Sorry I could have sworn I removed that. Please try again.

    p.s. the email notification doesn’t seem to be working for these posts.

    in reply to: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up #51280

    This is an update for all of you that, like me, have had problems with images not showing in your galleries.

    I had this problem and submitted a enquiry to the support team at Prophoto recently.

    First I must mention that this is a fix for Prophoto4 blogs and cannot account for any other  themes in WordPress.

    I must also mention that I am not a developer so please don’t ask me any questions as I won’t be able to help 🙂

    This is their response, which worked great (for me):

    Reload Prophoto
    In your WordPress admin area, go to “ProPhoto” > “Customize” > “Advanced” > “Custom Code” and paste this code into the “Custom CSS” area, then click save:

    .ims-colorbox img {width: auto; height: auto;}


    I hope this fixes your problem, If you are like me then you love the imagestore plugin but have been frustrated by this issue.

    All the best


    in reply to: Thumbnails for gallery not showing up #51179

    Hi Angel

    (Ahhh i was googling and one of our old conversations came up in the search where you were able to fix and gave others who might have same problem the fix… and its working YAY!!!! i have saved the info so i should be good now to fix when  i update )

    Could you please elaborate, I have the same problem but I don’t understand what you did to fix. I am using ProPhoto 4 and I believe there is some issue with compatibility. REading these support forums there are a few instances of this problem and until now you seam to be the only one who has fixed it.


    Regards Paul

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49146

    It’s one thing changing all my permissions but why is it writing them this way? So every time I add a gallery of images I have to open them in filezilla and change the permissions each and eve time for the plugin to work. Why does version 3.0.9 not have a problem with files having permissions set at 644?

    Once again I think this plugin is great but I believe there to be issues with the update. It might be my setup but I think I will stick with3.0.9 for now.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49110

    Reinstalled version 3.0.9 and all works well again. I will try again if these issues are cleared up in future updates. Thanks again for your help.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49109

    My file permissions are showing 644 for most of the php etc and all images in the -imsgalleries. is there some setting that can be changed without changing all by hand?

    one image (the first) is failing to load now. Thinking of deleting plug-in and reloading.

    Thanks for your help Hax, Paul

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49075


    Sorry I have removed protection, please try again.

    Could you explain briefly how to check the following for non-programmer users like myself. One really good explanation may prevent lots of work answering multiple posts!

    javascript errors.
    directory and file permissions
    not enough memory resources set the “WP_MEMORY_LIMIT”
    problems with apache ”allow_url_fopen” fixed on 3.1.1
    conflicts with other plugins using or not setting WP_MEMORY_LIMIT properly.

    Kind regards. Paul.

    in reply to: Images not showing up in 3.1 #49014

    I hate to add to the backlog but i’m having the same problems since upgrading. To reiterate, my thumb-nails are no longer showing (only a button) I have deactivated and reactivated the plugin, cleared browser cache (no cache plugin used) and believe I have refreshed the permalinks (although not 100% on how to do this!).

    I tried making a new gallery but am now having issues with loading images. It replies with an error (Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 451584 bytes) in/home/matrixph/public_html/wp-includes/media.php on line258) I called my server and they pumped up my php allocation but it still will not load images to the plugin (I can however load images elsewhere on my site).

    I would just like to add that I commend your work, I think this plugin is great and use it all the time on my site. I would really appreciate any help. Kind regards.


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