Promotion Code – price diplayed is less than passed to Paypal

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StorePromotion Code – price diplayed is less than passed to Paypal

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  • #127695

    I have installed 3.4.6 – because my Paypal stopped working, and somewhere on the forum it stated to use a prior version.

    I have some digital downloads for my site at 99p, I have added a promotion code for 15%.

    The cart displays 84p but the client gets charged 85p.

    I am guessing that because 15% gives me a 84.15 that this is what is passed on to Paypal and it is then rounded up.

    Can I change this.



    Xpark Media


    Did this stated to happen on v3.4.7? or is on all version? we will look a it as soon as we can. but it sound like it is round up on Paypal’s page.

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