Add to Cart Window Missing

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreAdd to Cart Window Missing

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  • #51674

    Hi there. 2 quirks:

    1. When I click on a photo and hit ‘Add to Cart’, a window box appears with nothing in it.

    2. Price List and Shopping Cart produce a totally blank window.

    Here’s the link:

    This is a freaky issue, as everything used to work until upgrading Image Store and WordPress to 3.5. Is there any way to fix this without losing all my photo catalog information??


    Thanks in advance…


    I love your Image Store plugin but am experiencing the same issues as nkolisnyk on my site. WordPress is v3.5 and the Image Store plugin is v3.2.


    I’m having the same problems too!

    I’ve tried uninstalling the plugin (using the option in imagestore settings), deleting and re-installing the plugin and it still doesn’t work.

    Running WP3.5

    Xpark Media

    do you guys have a price list assigned to the gallery, is it empty? I can confirm that the order form is not loding on the front end, do you guys have some sort of content filter on other plugin using shortcodes, if you do which?


    I am not using any content filter or other plugins using shortcodes. Image Store plugin has multiple problems since updating Plugin and WordPress as indicated above. Besides the window being blank and not able to add any image to the shopping cart, the slideshow doesn’t work and only the first page of the gallery displays with no way to get to the next pages of the galleries.

    Yes I have price lists in my store and have reviewed all of the settings on every Image Store tab.

    I even created a whole new gallery and re-uploaded the images and the same problems exist.

    I have numerous galleries on my website so I really don’t want to lose the data.


    I have the same problem which is solved only when I disable the Jetpack plugin?

    Reactivating the Jetpack plugin causes the “add to cart” option to fail??

    Any help would be appreciated…


    I had the same problem But it was resolved when disconnecting jetpack from wordpress. Hopefully this info will help with the fix. And maybe this might help someone else out for now till it gets resolved


    I disabled the jetpack and the gallery display for multiple pages will now work and the shopping cart will allow you to put an item in the cart, but the writing is so faint in the box that it is impossible to see the items, sizes and prices to make an intellegent selection for the shopping cart so it is still virtually unusable until there is a fix but at least in the meantime, someone can view all of the images in their gallery.

    Hope this problem is fixed soon!

    Xpark Media

    We will try to provide a fix for jetpack on the next release,


    Looks like you have other issues on your site, reset the settings see if that helps. The writing(text) this is something that you need to fix on your theme you might have to change the font size. Also did you tried using the default theme?


    I look forward to being able to reactivate Jetpack with the next release of Image Store.


    Great work guys…

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