Clicking Exit Gallery goes to blank logout screen

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    Love the plugin, I have been struggling for a few days now trying to fix an issue, when I click “exit gallery” it now goes to a blank screen instead of home screen. the path is displaying I’ve gone through I think nearly all the code but have had no luck, closest I’ve come to finding “exit gallery” is in the “store.php” file it has the following statement: $nav .= ‘get_permalink( “logout” ) . ‘”>’ . __(“Exit Gallery”, $this->domain ) . ‘‘.”n”;
    Any help would be great with this problem, I’m not sure but may have started since latest ver 3.0.9
    Thanks again

    Xpark Media

    Can you please provide access to a test gallery to debug the problem? it looks like there is a problem with another plugin or the theme. Do you see any error on your server log?


    Hi, thankyou for taking the time to help. I’m using cpanel and in the error log I have no errors.

    Gallery ID: test gallery Pass: hotmail

    use this link to gallery:

    I have 2 other galleries with same issue.

    I have disabled all plugins and have tried 2 other themes but same issue unfortunately.

    If you have a private way I can contact you I will give you better access to site if you like.

    I’ve tried to come up with a way to re-route the page back to home page but unsure of how to do that as logout link is different depending on gallery i’m loging out of.

    Only other workaround I can think of is to have it so there is no “exit gallery” and somehow it would let you browse the rest of the site instead of going back to the gallery page say if you clicked on “contact us” or “home” page, but I imagine that would take a lot of coding effort.

    Thankyou again for the time taken to help me out

    I’ve had a lot of fun with this plugin! cheers



    G’day Hax, I have tried many other attempts but nothing has worked so I backed up and Hit the Uninstall option from the RESET page under settings ( tried reset default options but that didnt help). And now it works again ( exit gallery link), so unfortunetly I still dont know what happened but I’m a happy man, thanks again for taking the time to help, slowly adding my backup options back into place, will let you know if I find what went wrong, all the best from Victoria Australia

    Xpark Media

    I am grad that is working again, don’t forget to follow me on twitter for updated on the plugin and if you want to test the new version before is released download it here Image Store 3.1 RC2

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