Customer Registration, Image Cart, Image Store

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreCustomer Registration, Image Cart, Image Store

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  • #52655

    I am having trouble with my customer login page I’m umable to find the password, and is there a way I can hide my image cart and image store pages.


    I found my answer to one of the previous questions regarding the customer registration and password to view the gallery.

    I am still needing assistance in hiding the image store and cart pages.

    Xpark Media


    what do yo mean by hiding? do you mean from a menu or from the default navigation in the image store?

    if you taking about the pages “image store” and “cart” if you don’t need them you can delete the pages, the galleries will provide other links to process the images

    If you have this pages in a menu you can just go to the menu and remove the pages from the menu

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