Expiration Date

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  • #44359

    Can you please explain what the Expiration Date is for? I am confused how to use this.

    How can I disable this feature so that my album galleries never “expire”.

    Thank you.

    Xpark Media

    This is if you just want to provide access to your customer for a limited time. You can delete the expiration date under the gallery information meta box.

    Also there is expiration settings under settings > galleries


    Thanks for the reply.

    I tried to delete the expiration by highlighting the date and pressing the delete key on my keyboard. The date dessapears when I do this, but when I click to update the gallery, the date comes back.

    Also I do not have an Expiration Date options under setting > galleries. I am using version 3.0.0 RC2

    Xpark Media

    It must be a bug, I will check it out, Thanks

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