Ligthbox for WP galleries doesn't work

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    Ligthbox for WP galleries doesen’t work for images added in posts or WP galleries in pages. I can’t find any solution for that. I’ve tried making link for attachment and for media but nothing helps.

    WordPress 3.7.1 and 3.3.4 ImgStore

    Xpark Media


    Can you provide a link to your site, this could be just a javascript error on the page.

    For the Lightbox to work on regular WordPress galleries the galleries need to be linked to their files not images and they need to be formatted as galleries.

    The lightbox shows by default in the image store unless there is a javascript problems or your images are linked to their attachment page.


    Hmm.. On my online test site (based on reverie – zurb foundation) everything is ok. But on my local project page (roots – bootstrap 3) it’s not working…

    I was not aware that lightbox is working only with formatted galleries. Any solution to get same lightbox for all image links and imgstore? Fullscreen Galleria maybe?


    It’s roots issue, I’ve changed theme on my online test site and lightbox is gone.

    Xpark Media


    is hard to add the lightbox to all images using the plugin, because there may be images that you don’t want it on like logos, ads etc. That is why it is restricted to image store and gallery formatted images.

    If you know a bit of jQuery you can use this code and change the selector as needed.

    if( jQuery().imstouch ){
    	$( ".YOUR-SELECTOR_HERE" ).imstouch();

    We also couldn’t see any javascript error, other script may be preventing the Lightbox action.


    Is there any way to turn off imstore lightbox and use other instead?

    Easy FancyBox and Fulscreen Galleria plugins gave me desired result.
    Could I just use one of them?


    About using jQuery to do this.

    Everything is ok when I choose my thumbnails generated by making wp gallery.

    What I see is that .thumbnail is a class for <a> and not for <img>.

    But when I add function:

    function add_image_class($class){
    	$class .= ' obrazek';
    	return $class;

    and class is assigned to posted image, lightbox won’t load it.

    Any idea how to add class to <a> of that inserted image?

    I don’t know if I’m clear about it, sorry for my english.


    Ok, I’ve solved it 😀


    For the others like me struggling with it:

    Add function from the link in your function.php (in my case custom.php) and just add jQuery provided by @Xpark Media.

    Thanks for your help and thanks for great plugin!
    I have another question but this will be for another topic.

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