New Feature Request (I will pay £) Free Text Field

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreNew Feature Request (I will pay £) Free Text Field

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  • #85681


    At the moment when you select add to cart you are presented with a light box that enables you to select the size, colour, finish of your print. I would like to have the extra field on this section of image title, I would like this to apply to each image that is added to cart and then also be stored in the orders section for later retrieval .

    The code you may need to edit I think is in image-store/_store/cart.php

    I appreciate this is not something everyone requires so I am hoping you could let me know how much this would cost to implement for me privately



    Xpark Media


    Can you please send the requirements to [email protected] and we’ll be glad to give you a quote.

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