Search and display one photo from gallery

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    I am setting up a website for a photographer, and this plug in is the best solution so far, however we are trying to do one thing and not sure if someone else had to deal with this before!

    The photography is for schools, we take the photos of the students and upload them in a Gallery for that school, students then will go to the website and input their School ID and the Gallery password, and order the package they want!

    The problem is we want to have an ID for each student so when they enter their Pic ID only their photo shows without the others, but that creates the issue that if we have to create passwords and ID for all the students that’s over 1600 students, is there a way do this in some easy way? maybe insert a code to hide the content of the Gallery with the option to search for the Student ID itself and pull only that photo?


    Xpark Media

    Currently the only best option without doing any coding is to create a gallery per student.

    You can change the gallery id to match the ID provided to the student. You can even add additional image from the student later on or create a user (student) and assign their gallery.


    Thanks for the reply…

    We thought about that the only thing we have about 1600 students… means the need to create 1600 galleries!

    was wondering is there anything coming in the next update!

    Or is there a code i could put in the Expert section of the Gallery…

    Many thanks


    Xpark Media

    something else you can do is register the images are full content type and password protect each image.

    function my_plugin_display_content_type( $image_type ){
    	$image_type['show_ui']  = true;
    	$image_type['labels']  = array(
    	'name' => _x( 'Images', 'post type general name', 'ims' ),
    		'singular_name' => _x( 'image', 'post type singular name', 'ims' ),
    	return $image_type;
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