Thank you message fields, spelling errors

HomeSupportImage StoreThank you message fields, spelling errors

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  • #49643

    Some minor stuff I hope makes it into the next release:

    1. The fields displayed in the website’s Thank You message are incorrect. See (order number in place of the first name). However, everything is correct in the generated email message:

    2. Pricing table has a spelling error “Fisnishes” (should be Finishes).

    3. In the Pricing table, Shipping costs, Finishing, etc do not display with the currency symbol and format like the Size options, i.e., “$10.00” instead of “10”.

    Thanks for all your good work with this plugin!

    Xpark Media

    some of the issues have been fixed and are available on 3.1.5 RC1, I will fix the spelling and the price format for next release.


    Thanks. The formatting in the pricing table has not changed yet, but not urgent since we have a jQuery workaround in place till that gets fixed.

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