Thumbnail Occasionally Bad

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    When scanning a folder to create a gallery, the thumbnail which is generated is occasionally bad. And by ‘bad’ it seems that a portion of the image is sliced off or out of position. Please see this link for two examples:

    Any suggestions as to why this may happen? I can’t figure out why it happens to one but not others.

    Xpark Media


    This could be cause by memory usage on the server. If the image(s) are to big an you don’t have enough resource in the server a takes a while to process the image.


    I think the issue is that the thumbnail is being generated by cropping from the center.

    There is a new option to specify crop position in WP 3.9. It would be nice if you could add a ‘Crop From Top’ option to the Scan function.

    Xpark Media


    We think is a bad image but if you believe is a crop issue you can fix the crop using the edit link next to each image.


    Screen Shot 2014-06-16 at 11.56.56 PM

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