Thumbnails and lightbox

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  • #46676

    Thumbnails aren’t showing. I found another post in this form where it was said that the problem was with some servers. Has this been addressed? The images are there and they show up when clicked, but not with lightbox.

    Any guidance on this, please?


    BTW, thanks for sharing this plugin with the WP community. The demos look great.

    Xpark Media

    The first thing that you want to check if your images are not showing on the front-end is permission to file image-store/admin/_key make sure that there is a file in the directory and that the file is read only.


    Thanks for the quick reply, Hax.

    The _key folder has 755 permissions and the *.txt file had permissions set to 640. I’ve changed the txt file permissions to read only (440) and removed and added images back to the gallery, but no change.

    What are the correct permissions for the _key folder?

    Xpark Media

    check your gallery folder permission, also be sure that they are readable by everyone


    They are all 755

    Xpark Media

    I think is something in your server, maybe permssions on the image.php script. if you go directly to the image link the image displays fine.


    It’s the thumbnail that’s missing. Thumbnail creation for NextGen Gallery works OK:

    image.php had 644 permissions. Even at 777 for image.php the thumbnails don’t show up.

    Xpark Media

    The link that I sent you was to one of the thumbnails, but it looks like they are working now. Can you please share what you did to fix the problem so it can help others. Thank you .


    No, the page you referenced in the post above in post #46707 is made by NextGen Gallery, not by Image Store. Image store thumbs are still not being generated. If you click on the missing thumbnail, you still get the full-size image. Just no thumbnail.

    See the missing thumbnails on this page:


    did you load this from outside of the galleries folder . if not then I would suggest to reload the images into the and then select SCAN FOLDER this is the way I did it and the images was no issue . best of luck


    The images are added to the gallery via the Upload images > Select files dialog.

    I tried the method FCoppola suggested without success – I deleted the images from the gallery and then scanned the folder. No change.

    I see in the _imsgalleries/gallery-xxx/_resized folder all the resized images.

    Even the thumbnails that are supposed to be shown on the front end are there.

    Obviously the plugin is successful in resizing images and saving them to the mentioned location. Somehow that correct location is not being passed to the front-end gallery creation procedure.

    Any guidance on this, Hax?

    Xpark Media

    You can try to debug, the image.php file.

    I could take a look at your installation but I will ned FTP and WP access, but I will also ask you to make a donation to the plugin. [email protected]


    I should have looked at the error.txt file sooner – the readfile() function was disabled in php.ini.

    The thumbnails are showing up now. I think your mention of “debug” was the key here. 😉


    Hey Omarf,

    I’m having the same problem, checked php.ini and could not find a read file function. Pasted my php.ini below. Could you point me to the function if you see it and if it’s there?

    register_globals = off
    allow_url_fopen = off

    expose_php = Off
    max_input_time = 60
    variables_order = “EGPCS”
    extension_dir = ./
    upload_tmp_dir = /tmp
    precision = 12
    SMTP =
    url_rewriter.tags = “a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,form=,fieldset=”



    Timothy, your ability to modify the PHP setup will depend on what your hosting provider allows.

    If you don’t have access to it, you might be able to ask your hosting provider or server administrator to remove the readfile function from the disabled list.

    What you posted above is only a part of your PHP configuration, probably from your account-level php.ini file. To get the whole picture, you can upload a phpinfo file to your server and call it up with a web browser. See this:

    Use the code listed in the example to create your phpinfo.php file, upload to your server and call it up: or whatever path you place it under.

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