Thumbnails not showing

Bring Your Business to LifeSupportImage StoreThumbnails not showing

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  • #50248

    any updates on how i can fix this? just that i have some clients that need to get into and see their photos. thanks 🙂

    Xpark Media

    The fatal error are coming from WordPress did you recently updated any other plugin? check your file permissions, looks like you remove the image store plugin I am not able to check your site.

    It may be a conflict with your theme or other plugin, do you have a test (development) site where you can test all your plugins one by one?


    i have disabled all plugins, and still nothing changed, i have tried everything i can think of.

    I had the plugin disabled cos i was trying to find a temporary gallery for my clients that have been waiting. but there are none that are sufficient to my requirements like Image Store. It is active again now if you wanted to relook. This has never happened to my galleries before.

    the only thing i have updated would be wordpress itself.

    probably a stupid question, but i have been going at this for lots of hours and getting a headache now lol.. but where do i go to check the file permissions?




    okies so i had a break and came back, checked the permissions, tried 777 and 755 no change. or do you recommend them be something different?

    Xpark Media

    can you provide admin access to your site [email protected]


    setting up now, thanks heaps for your help

    Xpark Media


    Your site is working now, I am posting this for people having the same issue. It looks like there a problem in the image generation file using some particular settings.

    Check your server logs if you see an error with the “sanitize_option” function, open the file image-store/image.php and comment out the line define(‘SHORTINIT’, true); using “//define(‘SHORTINIT’, true);”

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