Xpark Media

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  • in reply to: "More Images" Doesnt work. #54349
    Xpark Media

    Aha yeah. Sorry. I changed the gallery limit to infinite as a work around =P

    I just “refreshed” my permalinks and it has had no effect.

    Thanks for the help though.

    in reply to: Disable Store within a gallery not work anymore #47927
    Xpark Media

    when did it stop working? I tested the functionality and it works fine. do you get any error in your server log?

    in reply to: WP 3.4 Breaks password protected galleries #47923
    Xpark Media

    I just tested it and you are right, it’s a hash issue; I will fix it as soon as I can.

    If you are not afraid of doing a quick fix this is what you have to do. Replace the following code in the store.php file ( image-store/_inc/store.php ) line 893

    }elseif( $gal->post_password === $pass ){
    setcookie( 'ims_galid_' . COOKIEHASH, $gal->ID, 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
    setcookie( 'wp-postpass_' . COOKIEHASH, $gal->post_password, 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
    update_post_meta( $gal->post_id, '_ims_visits', get_post_meta( $gal->ID, '_ims_visits', true ) +1 );
    wp_redirect( get_permalink( $gal->ID ) );
    die( );


    	}elseif( $gal->post_password === stripslashes( $pass ) ){
    global $wp_hasher;
    if ( empty( $wp_hasher ) ) {
    require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/class-phpass.php');
    $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, true);
    setcookie( 'ims_galid_' . COOKIEHASH, $gal->ID, 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
    setcookie( 'wp-postpass_' . COOKIEHASH,  $wp_hasher->HashPassword( stripslashes($gal->post_password) ), 0, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
    update_post_meta( $gal->post_id, '_ims_visits', get_post_meta( $gal->ID, '_ims_visits', true ) +1 );
    wp_redirect( get_permalink( $gal->ID ) );
    die( );
    in reply to: Thumbnail repeated #47916
    Xpark Media

    Is the user’s email being auto generated or is it using the real user’s email?. If the email is auto generated this is the problem, currently the plugin uses the user’s email to get the image / avatar.

    in reply to: CSS/Theme/Formatting Shopping Cart View Issue #47895
    Xpark Media

    did you or any body modify the plugin, the tables are not aligning because after each column / header is a line break. These line breaks are not part of the plugin if you remove the line break it will display just fine.

    in reply to: "More Images" Doesnt work. #54348
    Xpark Media

    I couldn’t find a gallery with the “more images” links, but try refreshing your permalinks just go to the permalinks page and click save.

    in reply to: "More Images" Doesnt work. #47893
    Xpark Media

    I couldn’t find a gallery with the “more images” links, but try refreshing your permalinks just go to the permalinks page and click save.

    Xpark Media

    I don’t think I understand the question, how is the user access to download the image? what do you mean by manage; restrict downloads / access?

    in reply to: Cant get to settings after installation #47890
    Xpark Media

    Do any of you mind providing admin access to check the problem?

    I know what the problem is, one of the php class files is not loading on the settings page, I just don’t know why is not loading, The 3 environments that I have it works fine.

    [email protected] subject: “can’t get settings after installation: get_users”

    in reply to: Posts viewed not work #47889
    Xpark Media

    This issue was fixed on version 1.5.3

    in reply to: Author filter for posts? #47887
    Xpark Media

    No, currently this is not and option and there is hooks that will allow you to do it. This could be a good feature. I will add a few hooks on the next release and maybe even the option to filter by Author

    in reply to: Broken thumbnails #47884
    Xpark Media

    I release a new version with the fixes applied, please update. Thank you for supporting the widget

    in reply to: Broken thumbnails #47873
    Xpark Media

    @ Footytarget as I mention on my previous post you can download the previous version on the change log page I will check the issue with the random images.

    in reply to: New Version errors: Language support, Number of posts #47872
    Xpark Media

    Your problem is a few javascript errors on your site, this doesn’t not allow the popular widget script to run and you see all the post at once.

    in reply to: Problems with installation and settings menu #47871
    Xpark Media

    What other plugins and theme are you using? can you also post a copy of the settings link, something like wp-admin/edit.php?post_ty….

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